ShapeWorks™ Formula 3 Personalised Protein Powder

ShapeWorks™-Personalised weight management for healthy results

A proprietary blend of whey and soy protein.

Key Benefits:
  Helps maintain lean muscle mass.
  Includes high-quality soy and whey proteins.
  Unflavoured, it mixes easily in shakes, soups and sauces.
  Boosts protein intake to help fight hunger


Your body needs adequate protein daily for peak physical performance and healthy weight management. Unfortunately, many dietary protein sources, including meat, cheese and nuts, are also high in unwanted fat and calories.

Formula 3 Personalized Protein Powder is a convenient way to increase your protein consumption, which helps you maintain your energy level between meals and helps you to maintain lean muscle mass.

Fast Facts:
  A complete protein, including all nine essential amino acids.
  5 grams of protein per tablespoon.
  Whey protein is a source of the amino acids cysteine and methionine, which are vital for muscle development.
  Contains no fat, carbohydrates, cholesterol, salt, sugar or sweeteners.
  Can be added to cereal, yogurt, soups and pasta sauces to provide complete protein to any meal.
  A protein-enriched shake or meal can help you feel fuller longer, making weight loss easier.

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The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease


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