Alternatives to caffeine

Effects of Caffeine

Is there a real alternative to caffeine?

Caffeine and other stimulants normally work by making your body release more adrenaline. But there is only so much available and eventually you start to run out. This is when you get that crash - you feel exhausted and no amount of coffee will perk you up. Because NADH helps to replenish your adrenal system it stops you from feeling so tired without that crash afterwards.

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH) supplement  is a non-stimulant energizer. It is natural energizer – minus the caffeine jitters.

NADH (Coenzyme 1)  is a form of B-vitamin niacin, specifically formulated to resist stomach acid, which enables better absorption. It plays one of the central roles in energy production at the cellular level.

A number of factors, such as a poor diet and stress, could reduce the amount of NADH needed for the cells to function optimally.

Effects of Caffeine

Every time you drink tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, or cola you are giving your body a 'hit' of caffeine.  New research into the effects of caffeine continues appear every few months and these reports frequently contradict one another - depending on who did the research, how many people were evaluated and, of course, who funded the research...

Here are some of the negative effects of caffeine, which are commonly attributed to over-use of caffeine:

1. Temporary feeling of alertness ( a high)  in the short term followed by a crash.

2. Heavy caffeine users suffer from sleep-deprivation because their nervous system is too stimulated to allow them deep, restful or prolonged sleep.  Waking up tired, or lacking energy, even though caffeine is a pick-me-up.

3. Negative effects of caffeine can also cause feelings of anxiety and mood swings, up to and including panic attacks. We all have come across people who are on a bit of a coffee or caffeine high, and as a result, are not only quite alert and energetic, but can be quite irritable as well, sometimes even displaying quickness of temper or anger.

4. The American Medical Journal has reported a correlation between caffeine and decreased bone density or osteoporosis in women.

5. Causes your stomach to produce more acid.

6. Irritates the stomach lining.

In addition to the above effects prolonged or very heavy caffeine use can produce the following:

7. 'Caffeine nerves' a jittery feeling with shaking hands, palpitations, and wobbliness in the legs.

8. Caffeine addiction which involves nervousness, irritability, agitation, headaches or ringing in the ears. There are also symptoms associated with caffeine withdrawal. Often, people who are reducing caffeine intake report being irritable, unable to work, nervous, restless, and feeling sleepy, as well as having a headache.

9. Causes blood sugar, or blood glucose, to be released from storage through the effects of the adrenal hormones. This gives you a temporary lift but requires your pancreas to over-work. This is because your pancreas now has to produce extra insulin to reduce this extra blood sugar. Once the extra insulin has 'mopped up' the extra blood sugar your temporary lift from the caffeine ends. Your vitality level is back to normal. However in heavy caffeine users the pancreas, in time, becomes over-sensitive and over-zealous. Now it begins producing too much insulin – it 'mops up' not just the excess blood sugar but the blood sugar you need to feel alert and energetic. The initial effect of this is a let-down effect and a craving for more caffeine to give you a further boost. A later effect can be excessive and chronic tiredness, even on waking in the morning.

While researchers struggle to substantiate both positive and negative effects of caffeine, they all seem to agree that caffeine in moderation is the way to go for the health of the average adult.

But What is moderation? Well, the American Medical Association sets the limits at 300 milligrams per day ( 3 cups of coffee), and, of course, this amount may be lower for pregnant women and children. These are the maximums, however, so feel free to drink less but not more.

f it seems advisable to cut back on caffeine or cut it out completely, a gradual cutting back may be the best approach.

Article written by Herbal Vitality.
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Effects of Caffeine

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