Career in Wellness? Contact Form

Wellness is the central trend for the coming decades

What are your requirements? How does this fit in with your future plans? Is this the right opportunity for you?

Post Code Area?
We are looking for coverage across all postcode areas( 600 Wellness Coaches for 600 postcode areas).For example: TW 10, BT1, SE 17.  If your outside the UK please advise your nearest city. We operate in 72 countries?

Your Requirements? Motivation?
Extra income alongside a full time job? Flexible income around children, studies or a part time job? Change of direction? Pension provision? Need a distraction from frustrations at work, doing something you will enjoy Other? What is the main reason you may be looking for a new opportunity? How will this fit in with your future plans?
The aim is for you to be earning more from this project working part time than a full time job. We have more people earning more than $100,000 than any company worldwide. But to start with, what income per month would motivate you to work with us for for say 5-15 hours a week, instead of spending the time on some other activity such as watching TV..
Working from home? Working out of the home?  Do you have a preference? Taking incoming calls from our clients by phone,  based  from home? Or face to face activities at wellness clubs and shows?  We are setting up wellness clubs in the workplace, health clubs/gyms/leisure centres, sports clubs and in the community. Working on internet projects?
What’s your current situation? Working part time/full time/studying/unemployed?? What time do you have available? Free one evening a week? Can you spend 5+hours per week on this business alongside another activity?
Business Income
Does being self employed appeal?  Like the idea of making profits and earning royalties? You can start full time, most start part time?. Do you know someone who has a business? Ask them what makes a successful business, seek their advice rather than those who are in 9-5 jobs.
Tax advantages
Have you looked at setting up a part time business before or is this the first time? Aware of the tax advantages, such as claiming car depreciation as a business expense, which can be worth several hundred/thousand pounds every year? And claiming for other household expenses such as rent (not mortgage) heating, broadband, phone and travel expenses. And getting tax rebates for the first 3 years. Do some research in this area. Why doesn't everyone have a part time business based from home?!
How much do you want to invest in a new business/training?
To assist with this, how much to do you spend on books, personal development, training every year? How much to invest in a new business and training? Under £50, Under £100, £ Under 150, Under £200. As you know, its a low start up and low overhead business.
What obstacles are in the way of you getting started? When would you be able to get started? We are exceptionally busy...
Status quo
What will it take to change the status quo? What will it take to spend 5-15 hours working on this new venture alongisde your current commitments?  Frustration motivates or ambition motivates..??
Interest in Diet
The Obesity Crisis is obvious but do you have an interest in working in this sector? That is helping clients that are overweight, underweight and rundown with low energy levels. And helping sports clients to get better performance. If you are already working in the fitness sector, do you have an interest in presenting a join fitness/diet solution. Take the example of someone who works out in the gym but only gets limited results as they have ignored their diet.

Having read the list of activities any preferences? Questions?

Best times to call  A Business Coach will call you. This can be between 9am -9pm. And on Saturday between 10-4pm. If your "hard to contact" call us on (44) 1932 889236.

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What is Wellness?

“ The condition of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise and habits.”–American Heritage Dictionary

“Wellness is about waking up every morning and having enough time, energy and freedom to live the life you want.”

The Keys to Optimum Wellness

1 – Balance Your Diet

You need to get enough of the right foods including colourful fruits and vegetables, protein, good carbohydrates and just enough good fats for the taste you want. You also need vitamins, minerals and fibre from dietary supplements to provide the nutrition missing from your diet that your cells need for good health.

2 – Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise can help you feel and look your best. Exercise conditions your heart and relieves stress and makes it easier to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.

3 – Drink Lots of Water

Your body is about two-thirds water. In an average day, you lose at least one pint of water even without excessive sweating. To feel your best, you should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.

Steps for Achieving Optimum Wellness:

Have an evaluation of your personal wellness.

 Identify key areas you need to impact to reach your wellness goals.

Get recommendations from your Personal Wellness Coach.

 Make a plan of action that you can commit to.